Monday, April 18, 2011

The Last MAI Class - the First Casualty of the Budget Cuts by Bill Floore

The multiage intermediate class was a unique program that ended last year as Copper Creek, like many schools, had to experience a reduction in staffing. Class sizes increased in all grade levels, and highly qualified teachers were either forced to take new positions in other schools, or they were terminated. This year will be the third year where further reductions in the number of teachers at Copper Creek are a reality. Pink slips and anxiety are becoming a way of life. Tenure, the promise of continued employment, is a thing of the past.

However, I did enjoy seven wonderful years teaching the fourth and fifth grade combination class; wonderful students, wonderful parents, wonderful experiences, wonderful memories. I came to school today and there was a message from a former student who is in high school in Palm Springs, California. A teacher doesn't connect with every parent and every student, but the connections you do make, the differences you do make, make the profession and the sacrifices worthwhile.

The MAI class started eight years ago with a philosophy and a goal. The philosophy was, students would rise if expectations were set high; the goal was to have the most prepared students for middle school. The MAI scores have been the highest in the school and the MAI students have proven themselves in middle school.

Other notable things that occurred last year were:
  • the best Halloween Party ever
  • two Candlelight Dinners
  • a Valentine's Party
  • the class was undefeated in recess flag football, baseball, soccer
  • weekend camping
  • performances of the play James and the Giant Peach
  • performances of the play Our Town
  • many attended Track Day
  • the entire class earned their AR trophies
  • the class made and shot off rockets
  • Tent City
  • Silent Ball

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