Tuesday, April 19, 2011

State of the Nation - A Nation of Laws - by Bill Floore

When I grew up I believed most of the things that my public school teachers taught. I believed in our Founding Fathers. I believed in the Constitution. I believed in the three branches of government and the checks and balances that did not allow one branch to get too powerful. I believed in freedom and that freedom was worth fighting and dying for. I believed in hard work, private property, free enterprise, and American Exceptionalism. I believed in our right to worship as we please. I believed the media would tell us the truth and would not comprise our national interests. I believed in equality and that everyone could have a good life if they were willing to work hard. I believed in our public schools. I believed that America was the greatest country on earth.

I want a President that believes in the same things. The takeover of General Motors was an illegal violation of our Constitution. Taking the company away from the bond holders violated the law. When governments own companies, that is communism, not democracy. Where in the Constitution does it say a President has the authority to fire the CEO is a private company? When I drive by my post office and see three GM cars they were forced to buy, and I drive by the local military recruiting location and I see fifteen General Motors cars they were forced to purchase, it sickens me. Why, to help a union? How does the military have room in their defense budget to pay for all these vehicles? Has anyone investigated this?

These are sad and troubling times. The courts are too powerful. The Eminent Domain Law bothers me; another attack on private property. You have to go to the Internet to get the truth about the news. Drudge has more credibility than all the major networks and all the national and local newspapers. Public schools are being abandoned in favor of charter schools. Illegals seem to have more rights and more opportunities than people who born here and lived here all their lives. Social security is almost bankrupt. The dollar is almost worthless. The national debt is making it possible for our country to actually go bankrupt. Right now the debt is more than 14 trillion dollars, all borrowed at interest. China holds most of our debt. Our trade deficit is in the billions. We are transferring our military technology to countries we should not trust. Iran will soon have nuclear weapons. Gangs are organizing themselves and will soon be another serious problem. Our borders are not secure. Gasoline is around four dollars a gallon. People are paying seventy to a hundred dollars to fill their gas tanks. Unemployment is around 16 percent, if we count people who gave up looking for work. Most states have serious difficulties balancing their budgets. We have an energy crisis. Our bridges and electrical grids need a lot of repair and replacement. A fetus has no rights and is considered property just like slaves once were. Our space program has no goals or purpose. Federal workers, who produce nothing, make more money than the average American. The amount of government workers is increasing. More than half the population pays no taxes. Rich people pay a lower tax rate than the middle class.  We need tort reform so that doctors do not have to pay high insurance rates; so they don't have to order unnecessary tests to protect themselves from lawsuits; and they don't have to pass the costs on to us. Our public education system needs to be fixed. Not band aided, fixed. I don't want a health care system that tells me what doctor to go to; tells me when and if I can have an operation; tells me I'm old so I should take a pill, get Hospice, or learn how to get assisted suicide. There is more division in the country than there ever has been before. Our country needs leadership. A candidate needs to emerge that the majority of Americans can believe in. I have not seen him or her yet. Representatives need to be elected who will go to Washington to represent us, not special interest groups.

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