Friday, May 6, 2011

The Hundred Things I Like About My Mother - Happy Mother's Day to All the Mothers Everywhere

  1. her soothing voice
  2. her unbelievable patience
  3. her amazing sense of humor
  4. her scary stories like, "He's coming up the first step."
  5. how much she loved my brother Jimmy, sister Mary, and me
  6. that she survived a cruel Catholic orphanage, yet she remained kind
  7. she always liked the underdog
  8. she was a great cook, but sometimes made strange meals
  9. she always had a nice Christmas tree for us each year
  10. she made great Easter baskets
  11. she bought us new clothes at Easter
  12. she did without, so we could have stuff
  13. she always brought home a giant Hershey's bar on Wednesdays when we watched the Walt Disney Show
  14. she took us to White Castle and Candy Cane Lane
  15. she took us to Riverview and China Town
  16. she took us to look in the downtown windows at Christmas and Olson Rug
  17. she let us pick out toys from the Montgomery Ward's Christmas book
  18. she let me walk to school in kindergarten
  19. she hid in the house to see what I would do when I came home from school
  20. she took us on picnics
  21. she took us to the Lincoln Park Zoo to see Bushman
  22. she took us to the Museum of Science and Industry to see the U505 German submarine
  23. she took us to the North Avenue Beach and told us to keep away from strange men
  24. She sat with us in the car for hours while my dad was in a bar drinking
  25. she played games with us
  26. she read to us
  27. she read to my kids
  28. she watched my kids
  29. she was very forgiving
  30. she is in heaven very close to our Holy Mother Mary
  31. she took us to Lake Zurich to picnic and swim
  32. she wanted us to have a better life than she did
  33. she was proud of me
  34. she came to my graduations
  35. she was not judgemental
  36. she was not prejudice
  37. she had beautiful blue eyes
  38. she found a $50 bill and bought a dog and named him Lucky; she would take Lucky on long walks and once he got back in her house he would do his business and she never got mad
  39. she bought me hotdogs at Scotties
  40. she went for walks with me
  41. she was always positive
  42. she knew how to make her limited money last
  43. she loved the Academy Awards
  44. she loved to take me to the movies and we would watch more than one
  45. she never complained
  46. she kept the house clean
  47. she told jokes
  48. she bought me Mr. Peanut in the mail
  49. she bought me a plate with two dogs on it that look like Dickens and Einstein
  50. she let us have a lot of toys
  51. she took me to the Humboldt Park Library to pick out books I never read
  52. she tried to learn how to drive a car when she was retired
  53. she worked so hard
  54. she loved to get the mail, that became a big part of her day
  55. she loved to sit at the window watch people moving in and out
  56. she was nice to my father
  57. she let me have my father be buried in Mississippi by his father
  58. she took care of me when I was sick
  59. she let us have a parakeet "Pretty Boy" when we were little
  60. she cooked us chicken and French fries in a fry well
  61. she had us move to Wrigleyville after our house was robbed
  62. she liked popcorn and took us often to the Music Box on Southport
  63. she gave us a lot of freedom
  64. she loved her dog Lucky
  65. she was kind to her brother Wally, and let him live with her even though he called her horrible names and he was a mean drunk
  66. she was unselfish
  67. she always made friends
  68. she got me my first regular job at Jewel
  69. she like Dickens and Einstein
  70. she loved my kids Tommy and Jill.
  71. she drove out to Grinell College to visit my daughter
  72. she made things for me
  73. she took me to the Salvation Army Church
  74. she sent me to a YMCA camp
  75. she sent me to the Moody Bible School
  76. she made me homemade Halloween costumes
  77. she didn't smoke or drink
  78. she never hit me
  79. she took me to the dentist
  80. she took me to the doctor to get my ears cleaned out
  81. she took me to a dermatologist when I started getting pimples
  82. she cooked me food without using grease when I was trying not to get pimples
  83. she smiled a lot
  84. she taught me how to play solitaire
  85. she taught me how to play war
  86. she gave me her biscuit cutters
  87. she bought me an American Flyer train
  88. she is helping me now
  89. she is helping my best friend
  90. she has a great memory
  91. just being in the same room with her is rewarding
  92. she could sew, she was often in a wash dress, an apron with her hair pinned up - she turned grey very early
  93. she got us sparklers and snakes for the 4th of July
  94. she visited Robby in his nursing home
  95. she helped Mary financially
  96. she raised both of Mary's children
  97. she bought me a Lionel train, a Milwaukee Road GP9
  98. she would make a sandwich that had butter and sugar for us kids
  99. she was nice to my friends
  100. she is a saint and I wouldn't want any other mother

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