Wednesday, May 25, 2011


  • last day of school with the students
  • report cards go home today
  • teachers are in school for a half day tomorrow
  • the fifth grade students will walk the hallways for the last time at 2:00 P.M.; the rest of the school will stand and applaud them as they walk by; there will probably be many happy-sad tears shed
  • earlier in the week a group of high school students stopped by to say goodbye before I retire: Matthew Watson, Julianne DeFilippis, Kate Appleton, Tyler Lamy, Jackson Klein, Tori Fallis, Adi Catts, Emma McMahon
  • saw Citlali at the bagel shop
  • helped Mrs. Pruzin put her student's initials in shaving cream on their desks so they could clean them; they had a lot of fun; Mrs. Pruzin took a lot of pictures for her Smile Box on her blog
  • the 5th grade had the Pizza Guy serve lunch today
  • there were seven 8th graders at Cross that had 4.0 grade point averages, four of them were from the MAI class
  • Dale Flannery is moving to my old classroom, room 32 to be the new 5th grade teacher
  • Meghan Reidhead stopped in to say hello
  • thanks to all the teachers, parents, and students who gave me gifts this end of the school year

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I missed you Wednesday,with Courtney graduating the day was busy.You should be proud at the accomplishments your class has given the students,Courtney and Olivia were the only MAI students to get 4.0 the rest were from other classes for a total of eight Copper Creek kids,many more were at 3.5 or better.The school should be proud.We should get together soon,email me your email address,mine is
