Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Do You see What I See? In America Everyone Does Not Have the Right To A Higher Education, But Americans Believe Everyone Should Have the Opportunity

A student finds a good place to spread out her stuff and work. Hours of reading; hours of lectures; hours on the computer; hours of listening to lectures; hours driving to and from school; a college education is a good thing, a valuable thing and an expensive thing.

Everywhere the beautiful architecture of the University of Arizona is evident.

The gymnasium has Bear Down painted on the roof. Bear Down is in the University of Arizona fight song. Bear Down is on tee shirts the students are wearing. I'm familiar with Bear Down from the Chicago Bears' fight song. This view also gives us a glimpse of the mall and the offices built below ground level.

A closer look at the offices and rooms built below the mall.

This looks like a fun way to get to school. I used to be at home in the seventies, listening to Simon and Garfunkel while I read a motorcycle magazine and dreamed of getting a BSA. I loved the look of the off road bike and the colors: yellow, blue, red, silver. I never got one but the urge is still there. I read that magazine until it was worn out.

A view of one of the dorms. I believe they are coed.

The food court umbrellas are back lit, making the red a vibrant color.

The U of A produced national champions and Olympic champions from this girls' softball facility. In middle school we called it fast pitch.

A view of the courtyard in front of the administration building. On the anniversary of 911, that grassy area had thousands of ting American flags. Some of them spelled out, "911, Never Forget." Those skinny looking palm trees you see at the top of the screen look a lot different in the picture below.

I only saw these kinds of trees in movies about California, or a scene of a desert oasis. Aiming the camera lens from different positions changes the perspective and makes these Palms look more whimsical and the center of the composition.

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