Monday, October 10, 2011

U of A Sights and Scenes - Remembering 911 - Patriotism - Ugg Boots - Milton's Paradise Lost and the Fortunate Fall

Thousands of flags were placed on this grassy hill to honor those who lost their lives on 911. These murderers chose to go after innocent civilians to advance their cause. What is their cause? What did they hope to achieve besides needless deaths?

In flags is written "911 Never Forget." Never forget that the New York Times let Osama Bin Laden know that we were listening to his phone calls in Tora Bora. Never forget that Pakistan sheltered him for years so they could prolong his capture and continue getting our foreign aide.
In flags is written, "911 - Never Forget."

The Student Union is called a Memorial Center because it has memorials for the attack on Pearl Harbor, WWI, WWII, the Korean Conflict, and the Vietnam War.

Most of the deaths at Pearl Harbor happened on the USS Arizona. The Japanese made a sneak attack, but they were after military targets. They hoped we would sue for an early peace.
Pictures of the damage inflicted on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941.

A student studies Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost. A lot of U of A students are wearing boots. Ugg boots are very cool.
When did we get oil from Kuwait? Afghanistan? Iraq? Libya? Do liberals ever tell the truth?

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