Saturday, December 31, 2011

End of Semister At the University of Arizona - Let the Finals Be Finally Over

This facade of the Arizona Historical Society looks like a prefabricated fake. But it is actually something very unique. When they tore down the original catholic cathedral and built the new one across the street, a man carefully saved this doorway to the old cathedral. It is more than a hundred years old. The man took it home and when he died he left it to the Arizona Historical Society. This is a very interesting museum worth visiting more than once.

I love this picturesque, shady walkway across the campus. I love to sit on one of the benches and read.

This is the Arizona Museum and former library of the university. It still has a very ornate fresco in the main hall that still serves as a library and place to study.

A view toward the main gate. It was here they burned a large stack of wooden pallets on Homecoming Day.

There are a lot of benches around the fountain to read and relax. This is right in front of Old Main.

Preparations for a homecoming rally are being made. With a new football coach, things are looking up.

So much to learn as a student. Difficult subjects like symbolic logic and English literature. You have to learn how to study for tests; how to write papers that satisfy perfectionists; you have to learn to ask questions; you have to raise your hand and give your thoughts; you have to learn to be ignored; and you have to ask to meet with the professors. You spend hours on each of your classes. Sometimes you would rather clean the house than study. All around the campus is a different atmosphere. Students walking to class are flipping through flash cards. In the food court students are using their lap tops to actually study and not look at Facebook. ALL the students actually attended the last lecture and stayed awake. The students are agonizing over the finals. One girl yelled a the f word when she completed her two hour literature final. And finally it's over. You see students leaving the campus with their luggage as they head home. You see relief on their faces. Now, if I hurry, I can Christmas shop!

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