Wednesday, January 11, 2012

MAI Class - School Daze - Sea Quest - Sea World - Field Trip 2004

This field trip took about 22 hours. We gathered at school around eight at night; we drove at night and slept on the bus; we stopped at a McDonald's in San Diego at six in the morning; we went out on this boat around seven; stayed out a couple of hours; went and walked along the beach; went to Sea World at ten-thirty; and then headed home to get to Copper Creek by six P.M. It was exhausting and exhilarating.

This was a field trip where the students learned a lot.

More looking, touching, and learning.

That's Jack with that crustacean crawling up his arm.

That's Kara.

That's Leo and Sarah.

That's Kara. All the sea creatures were returned to the ocean in good condition.

That's Leo. Leo's dad took these pictures.

It is a thrill to go out on the Pacific Ocean.

Sean and dad. You saw a picture of Sean at Susie's Christmas party. Sean's dad was Santa. :)

A nuclear powered submarine returns from sea duty. A tug brings it in to dock.

We love our sailors and soldiers who serve our country.

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