Sunday, June 10, 2012

Mary, Gidget, Billy, Robin

Gidget's house was built in 1850 for a country doctor. He kept his horse and buggy in an adjacent barn. At that time there was no electricity and the roads were dirt and gravel.

Gidget's husband added a nice deck behind the house. This is still farm country, but at one time many native Americans lived here.

Mary, Billy, and Gidget. Mary is Billy's great grandmother and Gidget is his grandmother.

Gidget's daughter is also named Gidget, so we call them Big Gidget and Little Gidget. I started that. I had an uncle named Petie and he named his first son Petie. So I started calling them Big Petie and Little Petie. I often teased my mother when she was talking about Petie. I asked her if it was the big little one or the little big one . Grandma would scream "THE BIG ONE!" Gidget told the story about how my son, when he was 10, was given a can of spray paint to paint the rust spots on her shed. She complained from the house that the paint was dripping so instead of being more careful, Tommy wrote "Tom" in real large letters. End of story.

Billy was named after me because Little Gidget said that if it was good enough for Grandma Floore to name her first son William, it was good enough for her.

That flag was signed by Japanese prisoners during the Battle of Iwo Jima.

Gidget's husband has a fondness for history and memories of his family.

Gidget wore this dress when my mom and dad took her to have that portrait taken. Gidget remembered looking at my dad shopping while the picture was being taken. 

Sorry, those guns will have to be turned in if the president gets a second term. :(:(:(

My dad bought this statue of the Holy Mother Mary for Gidget in a second hand store. I'm glad she still has it.

Gidget told us her husband found these arrow heads on the land behind the house during the years he was growing up.

Nice old lures. Most of these are wooden surface lures.

Inside the horse shed. Guy stuff.

A lot of interesting stuff  here.
My niece Robin; this amazing girl works four jobs. We visited her house and met her husband. Robin drove me back to Pat's house.
Billy already has a job mowing lawns.

Billy shows me his muscles.

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