Friday, August 3, 2012

Cupid's Hot Dogs - Established 1946 - Chic-fil-A - Don't Eat There If They Don't Share Your Views On Same Sex Marriage

Monica's parents ate at Cupid's when they were growing up. Monica and her siblings learned to love them as they were growing up. And they taste the same today as they did in the early 1950s. Too bad Fig Newtons don't taste the same as they did when we were growing up.

1946 was right when the war ended and soldiers were returning from Europe and the South Pacific. A lot of businesses started in 1946. The owners built this start-up company themselves and it has survived to this day. They didn't get government hand out like Solyndra, the failing green company, did.

We want two hot dogs with chili for each of us to go. The Staffords always took the hot dogs home and they found that by the time they ate them they were firm and not soggy.

My favorite souvenir is a tee shirt, I bought the one on the left.

First the steamed buns, then the springy unique dogs, next the mustard and onions, and finally the hot chili. Sweet.

Mouth watering. I'll have a Diet Coke to go.

Cupid's first location in 1946. Look at how 1950s people were dressed.
Let me look at it before I eat it. It brings back memories.

Oh yeah, there is the snap of the wiener as I bit into it.

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