Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mrs. Robinson, You're Trying To Seduce Me.

Benjamin: Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me.
Mrs. Robinson: [laughs] Huh?
Benjamin: Aren't you?

Mrs. Robinson: Benjamin, I am not trying to seduce you.
Benjamin: I know that, but please, Mrs. Robinson, this is difficult...
Mrs. Robinson: Would you like me to seduce you?
Benjamin: What?
Mrs. Robinson: Is that what you're trying to tell me?
Benjamin: I'm going home now. I apologize for what I said. I hope you can forget it, but I'm going home right now.

Benjamin: Mrs. Robinson, if you don't mind my saying so, this conversation is getting a little strange.

Mr. Robinson: Do you ummm... do you want to tell me *why* you did it
Benjamin: Mr. Robinson!
Mr. Robinson: Do you have a special grudge against me? Do you feel a particularly strong resentment? Is there something I've said that's caused this contempt, or is it just things I stand for that you despise?

Benjamin: Listen to me. What happened between Mrs. Robinson and me was nothing. It didn't mean anything. We might just as well have been shaking hands.
Mr. Robinson: Shaking hands? Well, that's not saying much for my wife, is it?

Benjamin: Look, maybe we could do something else together. Mrs. Robinson, would you like to go to a movie?

Benjamin: Mrs. Robinson, I can't do this anymore.
Mrs. Robinson: You what?
Benjamin: This is all terribly wrong.
Mrs. Robinson: Do you find me undesirable?
Benjamin: Oh no, Mrs. Robinson. I think, I think you're the most attractive of all my parents' friends. I mean that.

Elaine: Good night.
Benjamin: Are we getting married tomorrow?
Elaine: No...
Benjamin: Day after tomorrow?
Elaine: I don't know. Maybe we are, and maybe we're not.

Mrs. Braddock: What makes you think she wants to marry you?
Benjamin: Oh, she doesn't. To be perfectly honest, she doesn't like me.

Mr. Braddock: Ben, what are you doing?
Benjamin: Well, I would say that I'm just drifting. Here in the pool.
Mr. Braddock: Why?
Benjamin: Well, it's very comfortable just to drift here.
Mr. Braddock: Have you thought about graduate school?
Benjamin: No.
Mr. Braddock: Would you mind telling me then what those four years of college were for? What was the point of all that hard work?
Benjamin: You got me.
"Mrs. Robinson, the Sandman loves you. Give me a kiss."


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