Saturday, May 18, 2013

George Washington At Valley Forge, Blood In the Snow

Both the British and the Americans suspended fighting during the winter months. When Washington brought his troops he had soldiers that didn't have winter clothes and he saw soldiers marching in the snow without shoes and they were leaving footprints of blood in the snow.
A covered New England wooden bridge.

These were where Washington's personal guard were quartered. He had forty-seven privates all from Virginia protecting his person. When Von Steuben took over training the army, he added 100 more troops form the other twelve colonies to this important guard of the Commander in Chief.

No TV, no central heat, no Internet, no refrigerator full of food.
King George III of England said that if George Washington declines the offer to be king of the United States, he would be the greatest man in the world. George Washington wanted no part of being king.

High ground.

Militaries required engineers who built the redoubts.
Strategery, putting cannons so they could be moved to where they were needed.

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