Saturday, June 29, 2013

California Science Center - Space Shuttle Endeavour

The science center is right across the street from the Coliseum where USC plays its football games.

The California Science Center.

An atrium leading to an Imax theater.

These tires seemed small considering the size and weight of the shuttle.

People from all around the US and world were excited to see the shuttle. I enjoyed watching them and their genuine joy. Most of them do not know that America no longer has a manned space program.

The Space Shuttle Endeavour flew 24 missions.

A closer look at the heat tiles that must be able to withstand the high temperatures that occur during reentry due to the high speed and friction from the atmosphere.

Monica and her mom and dad enter the building.

Interesting facts about the various space shuttle missions. Several were to deliver and repair the Hubble telescope. These are temporary exhibits. Eventually the science center will have a new building and that will display the Endeavour on its launch vehicle in a vertical launch position.

We get a pictures of Monica, Pat, and Karen enjoying the exhibit. The picture was taken from inside a makeshift gift shop.

These jets were manufactured in Southern California.

The Apollo was launched on the Saturn Five rocket.

This is the Apollo space capsule that went to the moon several times.

This is the Gemini space capsule that was launched on the Atlas rocket. We did our first space walk using this vechile.

This is the Mercury capsule that was launched on the Redstone rocket. We began our manned space program with the vehicle. We got to the moon taking baby steps.

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