Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Not Your Ma's Bell Telephone


The telephone above was made out of bakelite which was invented in 1907. It always came in black. It had a rotary dial. Did you see the movie, Dial M For Murder? I never had a phone like this. It was from the 40s and 50s. My first family's phone was a wall unit in the 60s. It was beige plastic. Later they came out with push button phones. My family didn't get a telephone until I was in high school. All it could do was make telephone calls. At first they had party lines and switchboards. I missed all that. We had no idea what was coming thanks to science, the space program, and great American innovation. I never had a princess phone either.

In the movie Scream they had portable phones with a large antenna. 

I never talked to my dad on the phone.

Then came the cell phone, flip phone, and Obama Phone. The British call them mobiles.


  • It can get the internet
  • you can make calls, get email and text and receive all three
  • it has unlimited minutes
  • you can use ear buds
  • it has caller ID
  • it has voice mail
  • it can identify spam
  • you can do your banking on it
  • it has the time and date
  • you can check the news
  • it has Apps to load music and radio stations and schedule Uber and Lyft car pickups or activate your ADT security system
  • it has replaced the encyclopedia and operates like a computer
  • it has replaced the dictionary
  • it has contacts
  • it has GPS
  • you can use Find Friends and see the geographic location of your friend's and your family's phones
  • you can order and track packages
  • it has blue tooth to talk over your car speaker
  • you can use it as a boarding pass
  • you can use it to look up Youtube and how to fix things
  • it has a camera
  • you can store photos
  • you can take a screen shot
  • you can do Face Time
  • you can Zoom
  • you can follow real estate
  • get digital coupons
  • it has put the adult bookstore almost out of business
  • it has a flashlight
  • the screen lights up
  • it has fingerprint ID to log in that works some of the time
  • it has a numeric log in that forces you to remember "one" more password

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