Friday, February 19, 2021

Moni's Stuffed Animal of the Week


  • We Americans have entered the world of Political Correctness and the "Cancel Culture"
  • Br'er Fox is not politically correct because...
  • The African-American  oral tradition Song of the South is not politically correct which makes...
  • Uncle Remus (as a kid I always wished I had a grandfather just like Uncle Remus) is not politically correct which means...
  • the song "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah" is not politically correct which means...
  • Hallmark had to cancel the Christmas ornament where Micky Mouse was playing "Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah" on the piano - you guessed it, NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT
  • Hallmark also stopped making ornaments celebrating Gone With the Wind - you guessed it, NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT even though Mammy won the Academy Award for supporting actress that year
  • years ago they stopped showing Amos and Andy on TV - the NAACP didn't like they way black people were portrayed as dumb or crooked even though white people are still portrayed that way like: the Three Stooges, Laurel and Hardy, Archie Bunker, Gomer Pyle and Goober, Barny Fife and so many others
  • the actors from Amos and Andy weren't even allowed to go on a tour after the show was cancelled - I loved those actors and their characters
The Cancel Culture will erase our rich history and Political Correctness will some day get you killed! Other terms to be concerned about include: woke, white privilege, white supremacy, micro aggression, culture appropriation, 1619 Project, Critical race theory, safe space....

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