Wednesday, February 3, 2021

North School In Des Planes, Illinois


  • I need to find the picture of me playing "Dr. Shock" for the fifth grade students
  • I remember vividly this class
  • We put on a science fair for the whole school
  • A block from the school is the very first McDonalds ever built
  • the principal of the school was a former Nun. She was amazing. She drove around and observed all the bus pick-up stops. She drove around the town to see if some of our students were out past 8 o'clock. When it was pay day she would hand deliver each teacher their pay check and she hugged them and said, "I wish it was more." She hugged me once and told me she wished she had a pay check for me. Student teachers do not get paid.
  • most student teachers stopped teaching and participationd two moths before the end of the school year. I stayed until the last day.
  • years later I saw one of my students from this class and she told me she didn't remember anyone but me teaching that year. Wow!
  • my cooperating teacher asked me if I would be her photographer for her wedding that summer. I did.
  • we went to a zoo on a field trip and the coolest boy in the class asked if he could carry my lunch pail
  • during the time I was student teaching there was a popular book for teachers titled Assertive Discipline by Lee Canter. One recommendation was to write a student's name on the black board as a warning. The atrist who drew the picutre for me shows me writing names on the chalk board. In fact, she shows me writing the name Chris on the board. He was the student who got in the most trouble. On the very last day of school I was out on the playground with the kids and my cooperating teacher sent Chris down to bring me up to the suprize party for me.  They gave me this picture on that day.
  • the pencil below was made for me by Jimmy. He was a student in the class who loved to draw. Thanks Jimmy.

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