Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Reducing Parent Anxiety - the Daily Edit

One of the activities we do is the daily edit. The students copy the sentence exactly as it is written on the board and they make the corrections. They are asked to write the sentence in cursive with a pencil. They shouldn't skip lines. They are asked to make their corrections with a blue felt tipped pen.

Part of this activity is helping the students improve their cursive skills and efficiencies. That takes time to learn. Months. But, it is a very valuable skill.

When the entire class goes over the correct answers, the students are asked to make any corrections the class found that they didn't, in red ink.

After the first day of school you ought to see a sentence come home. Each day, you ought to see a new sentence come home with the corrections. It ought not take more than 5 minutes to review the red corrections. The focus ought to be on the rules, and not on memorizing the corrections. We want the students to learn these spelling words, grammar rules, punctuation rules, and capitalization rules so that they can become better proofreaders.

The following is an example of an edit sentence:

(8) 1. Kayla said what an ______________ person aunt sally is”!

On Fridays we take an edit quiz on the same exact sentences. We are not trying to trick them. The caution is to learn the rules and not to just memorize the changes. Over time, the students can become quite good at edit quizzes. They should not expect themselves to be perfect. We are learning a lot of new concepts.

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