Thursday, February 3, 2011

Amazing Science

Amazing science; advances in the medical field; reasons to celebrate and be proud to be Americans. One year ago today Mrs. Walker was given her husband's kidney. Today she was out there at car pick-up, on a day of only twenty degrees, by herself, helping kids get out of their cars and into the warm school.

Mrs. Walden's husband, who has never had vision in one of his eyes, had an operation that has restored partial vision. American research, American deveopment, American ingenuity, American know-how, American education, American universities, and American motivation to make our lives better and longer. American Exceptionalism was identified by Alexis de Tocqueville in Democracy in America 1835.

Due to the cold, the Spirit Celebration has been moved to a week from Friday.

We are about nine weeks away from the dates when we will be taking the math placement tests for middle school.

The boring pictures of the tops of the cabinets show that we are following the fire marshal's request that we keep nothing stored within twenty-four inches of the ceiling. We are also trying to keep our classroom doors closed during instruction to help stop the spread of a fire should such a terrible thing happen. Safety is very important.

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