Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bill Clinton and Condoleezza Rice: Our Nation Needs You To Save Public Education From the Dark Days That Are Coming

The crisis in public education has been festering for a long time. The state of our nation's economy, and the realities of dwindling budgets have only exasperated the problem. We need a couple of charismatic leaders like Bill Clinton and Condoleezza Rice to spearhead a group of qualified citizens to analyze the problem, address the complexities and all the issues, and give the lawmakers and our president a blueprint that will once and for all get public education on the right track. This problem is only a political problem in the sense that the underprivileged, the poor, the physically and mentally challenged, all need to be given an equal opportunity to learn. They depend on the government to provide them with a quality education. They depend on adequate funding. If we continue to have our schools and districts poorly managed; if we continue to allow public money to support private and charter schools, and let them pull out the brightest students and most supportive parents from our public schools; it only stands to reason that that system will produce the kind of schools that existed under segregation during our shameful past. That would be a disgrace, an injustice, and it is the reason why we have the fourteenth amendment in the first place.

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