Friday, June 8, 2012

Michigan 2012 - Boating and Fishing and Adam Arrives

A man driving his boat when and where he wants. Oh how I have waited for this day. A little grey in that beard.

Do I look happy? You bet ya!
Nice first northern.

The first catch of the trip; a northern pike.

Tom and Adam; best friends; best buddies; both fathers of two kids; vacation friends, Super Bowl comrades. 
Why do I bother???
Check out my new sunglasses. Nice haircut; nice beard that has no grey; nice rain gear.
Adam is a proud graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. The best school in Wisconsin. Tommy says that Adam is very intelligent. He is a fraud investigator and he sometimes works with the FBI. Moni says that Adam looks a lot thinner and younger.

The second catch of the trip; a large crappie.

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