Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day and Father's Day Should Be Every Day

Honor thy mother and father. Every day. It is important enough that it is a commandment. We get so busy with our lives, we don't tell the people we love the most that we love them the most; fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, friends. Once they are gone, it is too late to tell them. We even need to learn to love and forgive our neighbors and our enemies. What happened on the cross on Good Friday is one of the most amazing and significant events ever to happen on earth. The greatest show of love for every one of us ever. Tell someone you love them.

A Hundred Reasons I Love My Father
  1. he called my brother Jimbo but we didn't feel slighted by that; Jimmy was the baby
  2. he belonged to Ducks Unlimited, but he never hunted ducks
  3. his three year old son died, his wife died, his house burned down, yet he never became bitter, or mean, or blamed God for the tragic events in his life
  4. he kept some of Thomas' toys in his dresser all his life, he never talked about it
  5. he got me a paper route
  6. he made a metal house at work and gave it to me; it was tan
  7. he provided us with food and shelter
  8. he never hit me
  9. he never yelled at me
  10. he never criticized me
  11. he used to let us climb on him
  12. he let us comb his hair
  13. he was happy and smiled a lot
  14. he took me fishing
  15. he took me to the place where he went to school
  16. he took me to the church he went to as a child
  17. he took me to his father's cemetery
  18. he taught me to saw wood
  19. he knew answers to all my history questions
  20. he was loyal to Chevrolet
  21. he was a loyal Democrat at a time when it made sense to be a Democrat
  22. he only owned one new car in his life
  23. he was kind to my mother
  24. he gardened
  25. he liked people
  26. he put stickers on his car's windows of the states we visited
  27. he took us on picnics
  28. we visited his brother Guy and they sat for an hour almost saying nothing
  29. just being in his presence made me feel good
  30. I liked driving with him in the car
  31. I learned goodness from his example
  32. he read a lot
  33. he was never broke
  34. he made his money last
  35. he let my mother have her family over a lot and he never complained
  36. he told the police "Why are you bringing him home when I'm watching Zorro?"
  37. he wore suspenders
  38. he slept in a bed with my mother every day they were together
  39. he called my mother Maggie
  40. he let my mother call him T
  41. he had a driver's licence in a different name
  42. he told us he was born in Texas, which he wasn't
  43. he is my father and I'm proud of him
  44. he wasn't tall, but that didn't bother him
  45. he bought a Sea King outboard motor that I won't part with
  46. he had a favorite pair of slippers
  47. he saved his money and bought a house to retire in
  48. he made his rounds when he was retired, restaurants, my house, Mary's house, Carol's house, the hardware store, the lumber yard
  49. he looked cute in his red and black hunter's hat and coat
  50. he took us to buy a Christmas trees
  51. he took us to Candy Cane Lane
  52. he was never jealous
  53. he never gossiped
  54. he called his mother and talked to her on the phone every week
  55. he took me to swim in Thomas' Pond
  56. he would stay in a motel that had a pool so I could swim
  57. we always were given good toys at Christmas
  58. he took me to buy my first car a '57 Pontiac convertible
  59. he took me to buy my second car, a '62 Corvair Monza and he taught me to drive a stick shift on the way home
  60. he never asked for anything
  61. he said you could tell when your socks were dirty because they could stick to the wall
  62. he knew how to fix radios
  63. he took a lot of pictures of us when we were kids
  64. he bought my brother a two wheeled bike and rode on it with him
  65. he bought me a wagon to deliver my newspapers
  66. he let us play outside after school and all summer
  67. he had us move after our house was robbed
  68. he wasn't prejudice
  69. he didn't hold grudges
  70. he let me sleep in his room when I was scared
  71. he combed his hair over to make it look like he had more
  72. he didn't complain about our crazy relatives
  73. he loved my mother's cooking
  74. he gave us old coins
  75. he was nice to my mother's stepfather Pete
  76. he watched football
  77. he played baseball at one time
  78. he could make things out of wood
  79. he liked to bobber fish using red worms
  80. he liked fried chicken
  81. he was good to his mother
  82. his father died before I was born, but I know he loved him
  83. he let us go to the movies
  84. he tried his best to be a good parent
  85. he called me Billy
  86. he gave us money for penny candy
  87. he didn't have any tattoos
  88. he died sitting in his favorite chair waiting for my mother to make him breakfast
  89. we were the poorest in our neighborhood, yet we never felt wanting anything
  90. he worked hard
  91. he talked about hitting us with a board with a nail in it, but he never did
  92. he married my mother
  93. he loved Tommy and Jill
  94. he liked to watch the Ed Sullivan Show
  95. he slept on my grandmother's porch in Mississippi
  96. the bugs never seemed to bother him
  97. he was friendly
  98. he wrote letters to my sister Ann
  99. he never envied his brothers and sisters who had much more than he ever did
  100. he is in heaven now and I am glad I am one of his eight children: Thomas, Martha, Ann, Johnny, Burns, Mary, Billy, and Jimmy
  101. he is resting next to his mother and father in Gholson

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