Thursday, May 12, 2011

Parent Volunteer Appreciation Week - A Thousand Thanks!!!

Thanks to all the parents who helped in the MAI classroom to make Copper Creek a better learning experience for all the students over these last eight years:
  • the parents who graded papers
  • the parents who did filing
  • the parents who organized parties and sent in candy and games
  • the parent who made a Jeopardy game on our Smart Board
  • the parents who made DVDs for our class
  • the parent who took pictures and enlarged them to make Halloween masks
  • the parent who made Valentine's boxes for our class
  • the parents who worked on the Friday Folders
  • the parents who sent in candy for Silent Ball and our vocabulary contests
  • the parents who gave me gifts
  • the parents who sent in money for classroom activities
  • the parents who taught lessons
  • the parents who bought us a Smart Board and a DVD player
  • the parents who purchased text books for us
  • the parents who purchased books for us at the Book Fair
  • the parents who decorated our room for our Candle Light Dinners
  • the parents who typed up programs for our Candle Light Dinners
  • the parents who decorated our tables at our Candle Light Dinners
  • the parents who made scenery for our plays
  • the parents who made a wooden cart for our play The Fiddler On the Roof
  • the parents who came in on Saturday to make scenery for Our Town
  • the parents who read aloud to our students
  • the parents who stopped by to visit
  • the parents who wrote kind letters and emails
  • the parents who made a scrapbook for me
  • the parents who helped me take a boy on a roller coaster for the first time
  • the parents who could accept the truth and use it to help their child
  • the parents who asked for help and didn't blame me for their child's behavior
  • the parents who took my advice
  • the parents who supported our Improvement Table
  • the parents who supported out AR program that made it possible for 100% of our students to earn their AR trophies
  • the parents who encouraged other parents to put their child in our MAI class
  • the parents who were substitute teachers for our class
  • the parents who NEVER complained about grades on work, tests, or the report card
  • the parents who were chaperons on our field trips
  • the parents who typed up tests for us
  • the parent who did timed math tests for our class
  • the parents who gave tests
  • the parents who tutored students
  • the parent who rented a slide for us
  • the parents who had end-of-year pool parties at their houses
  • the parents who supported me and were vocal or wrote letters and emails so I could keep my job
  • the parents that helped me with the computer
  • the parents who were good audiences for our plays and other performances
  • the parents who trusted and supported my decisions
  • the parents who didn't transfer the child out of my class
  • the parents who helped their child with their homework without enabling
  • the parents who helped build our Tent Cities
  • parents who set up camping for us at Catalina State Park
  • parents who camped with us at Catalina State Park
  • parents who set up telescopes for us at Catalina State Park
  • parents who cooked breakfast for us at Catalina State Park

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