Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Take Your Son Fishing

Tom learning to love fishing.

You take your son fishing. You show him what you know about the sport - which isn't much. You fish with bobbers, leaches, and night crawlers. You still relive memories from that first week fishing together. The fish you caught. Record Lake. The small boat with your dad's five horse motor. The stormy weather and beautiful sunsets. The Chef Boyardee canned food. Ice cream at Bond Falls. The yellow Chevy Blazer.

More than three decades later, he takes you to the same resort and you enjoy the sport just as much. The equipment is better. Better rods, better reels, better lures. The boat is bigger, faster, more comfortable. The fish are much larger and you catch every species. But what is the same and the best part is that a father and son get to spend quality time away from everything else talking, laughing, helping each other and being together.

1 comment:

  1. It will take a little effort, but planning intentional quality time with your son will pay off in the end in ways that you could never believe.
