Saturday, July 16, 2011

Life In Southern California In the Year 2011 - Some of the Things You Will See At the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

Above - a picture of Air Force One.     Below - A sign commemorating a hundred years since the birth of Ronald Reagan.

When Ronald Reagan became president, he called the Soviet Union the Evil Empire. When he left office, the Soviet Union was no more. Countries that had suffered under the tyranny of the Communist regime were now free to rule themselves. The desire for freedom is very motivating. The Cold War was over. President Reagan's philosophy was, "We win, they lose." When President Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers, the Soviet Union knew that this was a man to be taken seriously. Jimmy Carter was the only president who did not lay down the keel of a single warship.  President Reagan's build up of our military was something the Soviets could not compete with. President Reagan believed fervently that America's best days are still to come. A shining city on a hill. 

The entrance to the library. Once on the library grounds, every turn is a right turn.

When President Reagan took office, he inherited double digit inflation, double digit unemployment, and double digit interest rates which were the results of the failed policies of the Carter Administration. we had gasoline shortages and people lined up at gas stations hoping to get gas. Carter walked around the White House wearing a sweater because he had the thermostat turned down. President Reagan cut the taxes on all Americans, he cut the Capital Gains taxes and that resulted in decades of prosperity.

This is an old map of North America which Prime Minister Thatcher presented to Mr. Reagan. Notice that California is an island on this old map.

The library has a replica of the Oval Office.

Cars from a presidential motorcade.

Ron and Nancy. His letters to her are very sweet.

The helicopter that shuttled President Reagan from the airport to the White House.

A bush is trimmed in the shape of an elephant.

An actual piece of the Berlin wall. In the library you can see the note cards President Reagan used when he told Gorbachev to "tear down this wall." President Reagan got results because he believed in, "Trust, but verify," and "Peace through strength."

A view from Ronald Reagan's grave.

Ronald Reagan's grave.

Another view from the grave sight of the beautiful surrounding hills.

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