Monday, August 15, 2011

Mississippi, Grandma Floore, Grandma Stenberg, UFOs, Strange Phenomenon

A cow path on the west side of the farm house.

A typical Mississippi dirt road. At one time even the main road that led to Gholson was a dirt road. I think they are beautiful. I like the way Margaret Mitchell described the red clay of Georgia in her book Gone With the Wind.

Grandma Stenberg; she died too young. She and her husband Howard were always nice to me and my children. I loved going to my mother-in-law's house for Sunday dinner. I miss them a lot. The dinners too.

Tommy was a big beautiful baby. This baby buggy turned into a stroller and a high chair. Rubber baby buggy bumper.

A Thanksgiving meal. Remember those kids cups that were designed not to turn over. Both Jill and Tommy are left handed. My mother was, too. Those mashed potatoes look good.

One of my grandmother's cows. She raised cows, hogs, and chickens.

Father and son in the backyard of our house on Albany.

That's my Grandmother Jackie, a friend named Mable, and Tommy. I continued visiting my grandmother after my father passed away.

My grandmother working in her garden on the east side of the house.

UFO? Strange Phenomenon? You decide. Behind this garden is a cow path that leads to grazing fields. The window in the bedroom that my kids and I slept in that night faced this path. There was no moon. It was past midnight. You could see nothing but black out the window. We were sleeping with the lights out. There is nothing man made down that path. No houses. No electricity. My grandmother's nearest neighbor was more that twenty miles away and from this angle, you couldn't see cars going down the road in front of the house.. There was never traffic at night, anyway. A noise woke us up. There was a light far down the path that was so bright it looked like the sun was out. It lit up the sky, the path, and our bedroom. We stared in awe. There were no sounds like helicopters or military equipment. The insects stopped chirping. I never saw a light that bright. It was like 100 carbon arc lamps on all at once. We thought then and think now it was some kind of UFO.

This picture is older than the others in this blog. This is my family picking cotton in the field across the road from the house. We got paid for picking that day but not much and this is backbreaking work. Pictured from the left are my mother, Mary, me behind Mary, Johnny, and Jimmy.

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