Thursday, August 11, 2011

More Floore Family History

That's my dad's radio store in 1937 when he was married to his first wife and they lived in Tennessee.

That is my cousin Linda sitting in the highchair. That is me in the next room with my my Aunt Dorothy and cousin Carl. There is the wooden kitchen table with a new oil cloth covering it. I always liked the smell of a new shiny oil cloth with its pattern of bright colors. It was an event to also get new linoleum for the floor. I played with my toys on the kitchen floor while my mother cooked or did wash.

I remember that covered wagon. My grandmother brought it back from a trip to California. I remember the Funk and Wangles encyclopedias my mother probably bought from her sister Martha. She was always selling us something. I remember that wallpaper. That was a long time ago. Mary, Jimmy, and I have very fond memories of living in that small house. My goodness, I don't ever remember my mother wearing earrings. She looks pretty.

That's me in the front right. This was when we lived on Racine Avenue. None of those neighborhoods had grass or flowers. There were no government handouts in those days - we survived. Where were the adults watching these kids? Up in their rented apartments.

Our first television. An early antenna before they came out with rabbit ears. A picture of Jimmy sitting on Santa's lap. Our Christmas tree decorated with tinsel. If the tinsel fell on my train tracks it would spark and melt. Cool.

My step-grandfather Peter Wilbershied. He was a nice man. He would say, "Pull my finger." We would and he would fart and the next time he came we would fall for it again.

American Family Detergent in its red box.. That old radio. The kitchen garbage burner. The kitchen table. Atlas Prager Beer. My oldest memory is walking under that kitchen table and looking up at the boards from underneath and thinking to myself that I won't be able to do this much longer because I will be too tall.. My dad once put so much wood in the garbage burner the stove pipe was glowing red. That was not too safe because that house was on the second floor and it only had one entrance. Another time my dad had a few too many Pragers and he ran the outboard motor in the basement. My mother got scared and took my sister and brother to stay over night by my aunt. I stayed with my dad. That old bungalow was also unsafe because the house was painted with lead paint and the water pipes were made of lead. Somehow we survived with some of our IQs intact.

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