Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Old, Older, Ancient - Floore Family History

This happy couple stayed married for over fifty years. A perfect marriage, no, but they got along and were nice to each other most of the time. My mom and dad never hit us. We never went hungry. We always got Christmas presents.

Me and Mary and David. David grew up and robbed our house. I forgive him for that. Drugs, alcohol, and smoking destroyed so many people in my life and caused early deaths. David was into drugs. Mary looks cute. She deserved a better life.

David and me on my dad's bumper.

Johnny came to live with us when he was twelve or thirteen. I loved having my big brother. He was always nice to me. We were a poor family living in a poor neighborhood in the early fifties. We were the last family to get a television set. At the time of this picture there were six of us living in three rooms: a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom. The bedroom was crowded with four army cots. Mary had to share a bedroom with three boys. Mary and Jimmy wet the bed. My mom and dad slept on a hideaway bed in the front room. We were really poor. To keep warm my mother put newspapers between the blankets. The house was heated by a small space heater and a garbage burner. When we had a meal, there were never and left overs. We only had soda pop when my grandmother gave us money. Being poor is not a badge of honor, nor is it a reason to be ashamed. Being poor makes you grateful for what you have and grateful for God.

Not a great picture of Jimmy, but I like seeing the back yards.

Me at my Uncle Peter's wedding. When my mother died, Peter stole everything out of her house. Mary, Jimmy, and I didn't even get any of my mother's personal items, or gifts we had given her.

Me in one of those photo booths trying to look cool.

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