Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Arizona Sonora Desert Museum - Tucson, Arizona

This is always a nice museum to visit, but if you are a senior don't expect a discount. But you could work here as a volunteer and not get paid at all. Like they said on my former job - the choice is yours.

I thought this entire park was in the United States.

I think this is a 1960 Studebaker Lark. Not a bad design for being that old.

These desert plants were made to survive on very little water. All the plants in the museum are indigenous. No drip system. Monica says this is an ocotillo.

Something is wrong with my neck.
My neck is fine, I'm looking at the stalactites and looking for bats.

Who's that dork? Oh, it's me wearing my Bear Down tee shirt.

Interesting formation.

Even on hot days, it's cool in this cave.
A nice collection of rocks and minerals.

No need for sunglasses in here.

Let's pick out a nice stone for Owen. He's a collector.

Mining cars. They let you pick a stone from the ground and take it home. They really are pretty.

All natural plants of the Arizona desert. These are teddy bear cholla.

Don't touch me, you'd regret it. They are not teddy bear like at all.

I am a javelina. I'm not a pig. The Spaniards named me after a javelin.

I do not have a gall bladder or a tail. I can eat a prickly pear cactus. I had a baby and I named him Pretzel. I hope he has a good home.

Saguaros can live hundreds of years.

Did you say something to me?

A pretty scene.
That's a wren perched on that plant. I'm starting to get interested in birds.

The desert looks like this outside the museum.

This is the hummingbird exhibit. Can you see a hummingbird?

We enjoyed this day very much.

Can you see the hummingbird?

I'm here if you look on the bird feeder in front of the tree.

This is a picture of a large grasshopper.

The museum has a nice cafeteria. I'm going to eat that cheeseburger.

That's an organ pipe cactus.

A rattlesnake.

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