Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Floore Family History - Mississippi Burning - Burns Floore RIP

This is a house that was rented to sharecroppers. It was in the field across from the farm house. It was unoccupied at the time of this picture. I would like to go back and visit the farm and the cemetery. I promised myself that I would visit my father's grave.

This picture is taken of the field across the house. My uncle tried to convince the sharecroppers to rotate the crops, but they stubbornly planted cotton because that brought the most money. This man might be Roger Craige's father. Might be.

My Grandma Jackie. She was very faithful; she asked the blessing at every meal. Her maiden name was Shepard.

My sister Martha. She lives in New Orleans. Ice tea was the drink at most meals.

My Uncle Guy, my brother Burns, and my dad. My Uncle Guy owned a grist mill. I once had a bag of corn meal ground there and it had his name on the packaging.

My Uncle Guy. Like my dad, he was a man of few words. I loved seeing the two of them sitting together, enjoying each other's company, a cigarette hanging out of both their mouths and each saying nothing. And I could feel their enjoyment and contentment. I never regretted my father smoking.

My brother Burns and Uncle Don. Don molsted my two sisters.

The barn adjacent to the house. My grandmother kept an old Nash in this barn. It might still be there.

My grandmother fishing.

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