Saturday, September 10, 2011

The World Trade Center Before the Attack On September 11, 2001 Which Murdered Thousands Of Innocent American Citizens.

We should never forget. Never forget who perpetrated it, and how the cause of  Islamic terrorism was aided by the enemy within who emboldened them and gave them hope that they could win and return the world to the seventh century. What kind of God asks it followers to fly airplanes loaded with innocent people into buildings filled with innocent men, women, and children? to behead people like Richard Pearl while they are alive and film it? to have children strap bombs to themselves and blow up people of their own religion who are shopping in markets or sitting in a restaurant? to deprive women of their rights endowed by their Creator? to promise each terrorists that seventy-two virgins were waiting for them in heaven after they completed their murderous deeds? to have a few hijack a good religion and tarnish the names of its Muslim followers and their loving God.

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