Saturday, September 3, 2011

Practicing Picture Taking At the University of Arizona

The mall is a nice spacious place for a building to proudly stick out its chest and say look at me. Arizona has nice skies.

Lines, patterns, angles, texture, color - the tools of art.

A saguaro is at home on the campus. This species of cactus can only be found in the Sonoran Desert.

Very pleasing architectural lines can be found in this walkway between the food court and bookstore.

The stairs inside the library. The school has this nice quiet place for students to read and take notes. I saw a book in the library from 1868. Unfortunately, someone left unpleasant garbage all over the floors of the bathrooms.

Looking at the campus from Campbell Avenue. The sculptures look like an army of metal soldiers leading us into the university to do battle with the professors and their tedious exams.

Beautiful. The university is very proud of the research and teaching they do in the field of space sciences. At this university they make the largest telescopes in the world. Scientists and engineers at the U of A worked with scientists and engineers at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to land probes on Mars and explore the planet.

The library is a good place to tackle logic. Logic is like studying advanced algebra in a foreign language. Read it. Read it again. Look up definitions. Get the exact meanings. Take notes. Read it again. Go to class and listen to the professor explain it page by page. Takes notes during his lecture. He asks you if he's going too fast. Is it starting to make sense? You read it again and it is "starting" to make sense.

Monica reads and takes notes getting ready for her logic class.

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