Tuesday, September 6, 2011

University of Arizona - "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" - You, Me (J. Alfred Prufrock), and the World

Let us go then, you and I, with the evening spread out against the sky like a patient etherized upon a table. Let's live in our world of imagination like Walter Mitty. But he didn't have television, the Internet, digital cameras, or campuses to explore.

Kids come here to study all kinds of subjects, some that will actually lead to a career.

Karen, this is where they study microbiology. Now those stuffed microbes the bookstore sells makes sense.

This university is doing real research in cutting edge science. The University of Arizona has renowned graduate schools. Imagine the miracle of a place that produces: scientists, doctors, lawyers, teachers, professors, writers, accountants, psychologists, psychiatrists, engineers, a wide variety of other interesting careers and maybe some day a president.

This is where I like the bikes; parked!

What going on? What are we protesting? Why aren't we protesting any more. Oh, we don't have a Republican in the White House. I love that octopus bag.

I visited this Jack in the Box on the corner of Park and Speedway in 1993 on a trip to visit my daughter. I ended up living and working here in Tucson partly due to her decision to come here to do her graduate work. Life is funny.
Walking down Second Avenue from the garage on Euclid we pass by a mail box and one of the bookstores. This bookstore is actually off campus.

Walking south on Park.

Park and University Streets.

The entrance to the university.

A tribute to women. I couldn't find a tribute to men. I saw tributes to Hispanics. I didn't see any tributes to Blacks or Caucasians. It is what it is.

This is an attractive campus.

Efforts everywhere to make this a pleasant place to live, study and learn.

Hello big boy. Or is it big girl?

Don't know much about history. There is far too much bias in the books written as we speak. How will you ever know the truth?  Drudge - the Internet, that's how.

A display of stuffed microorganisms at the bookstore.

More stuffed bacterias and other disgusting microbes made cute. They are cute, but do you have $8.95?

The stairs leading to the lower level of the bookstore.

They sell a lot more than books.

We keep running into each other.

The flags added a lot of color to the ambiance of the bookstore.

Nothing but books. Overpriced books. Someone is making a killing and it isn't the bookstore.

What are you doing here Mr. Mitty, or is it Alfred?

Correction, 126 years.

Final touches on the jumbotron.

The jumbotron was being tested.

Nice logo for the bookstore.

Monica wanted you to see these prickly pears growing out of the tiles on the roof of one of the campus dorms.

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