Monday, September 5, 2011

Another Visit to the Universisy of Arizona Campus In the Fall of 2011

The Wildcat practice football field.

I've got my Bear Down tee shirt and hat. I'll root for the Pac 10.

The Eddie Lynch sports facility.

Centennial Hall. This auditorium is used for university plays and performances. It is also rented out to the general public making money for the university. I recently saw The Wizard of Oz here; it included the flying monkeys which with special equipment they were able to make fly. Sydney flew.

Let's hope they put ice in this time. Monica's logic professor told his class the story of how he attended a lecture at U Cal Berkeley by the world's most renowned logician. He said the man was brilliant, but everyone was amazed at how fast he could erase the white board. After the lecture no one remembered much of what he said; they were all talking about how fast he could erase that board. Life is funny. I am determined to get a picture of this little old professor who is forced to teach his students in a room too small and some students have to stand for an hour and fifteen minutes..

Mrs. Donnelly teaches Italian. She invited me to sit in on one of her classes. She rides to the campus all the way from Oro Valley on this scooter to reduce emission gases. I hope it doesn't rain, but if it does, I'll bet she has rain gear tucked away some where. She has two wonderful children: Olivia and Cameron. She is very proud of both of them. So am I.

One of the agriculture buildings. They even decorated the eaves under the roof.

Transportation to school includes: cars, buses, trams, motorcycles, motor scooters, bicycles, skateboards and walkers.

Shorts and flip flops are in. But you do see people walking around in sweaters and you wonder what they are thinking. At my daughter's undergraduate school the kids were often in their pajamas.

A museum I think. I can't read the sign..

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