Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bed, Bath and Beyond Hummingbird Feeders - Jet Says Hello

We bought this bird feeder at Bed, Bath and Beyond never dreaming Jet would become a daily visitor. He has a personality and often puts on a show.

I love to see Jet sitting on a branch and the feathers on the top of his head look like the spiked hair kids wear today.

We were hoping Jet would still be around when Karen came to visit for Thanksgiving. He was. She saw him. She was delighted. He is part of the family.
When we walk the dogs or go to the mail box Jet flies to the top of the tree in front of the balcony and we can see him looking at us.

One day Jet followed me into the house and he was fluttering by the window trying to get out. I scooped him into a large plastic bowl and released him unharmed. Later we found a delicate feather of his.

We whistle and Jet shows up pretty fast. I'm glad he is staying so far. I hope it isn't too cold for him.

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