Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tucson Dog Sitter - A Dollar A Day - Australian Cattle Dogs Welcome

Augustus is fourteen and he still has a spring in his step. His eyesight is very poor. If you walk him along a highway, he will charge the cars going by. He was bred to herd cattle. He is kind of a pain; it is just lucky for him he is so handsome.

I am not allowed to say, "Big and Huge.' Augustus is offended by that. He also doesn't like it if I cough or sneeze or talk to someone in the next room. But, he will give you a lot of love and affection.

Please do NOT say anything about his toes or the freckles on his nose.

Ellie and Augustus have spent their entire lives together. Augustus must be wherever Monica is. He follows her from room to room. Sometimes he is kind of in the way.

Ellie looks and moves like she has a little greyhound in her. Sometimes when you are sitting on the couch she will plop her head on your lap and look at you with her princess eyes. She is a princess.

Don't let me run into a cactus. That could be painful.

When Augustus is sleeping, you just can't help yourself. You just have to give him kisses. Just don't kiss him on the nose. Don't ask where he puts it!

"I'm tired. Are we going back?"

Ellie May loves the freedom to run and she is very fast.

Ellie has a great sniffer. She likes to find dead birds and eat them. She eats all kinds of dead things and she can have them in her mouth and be chewing before you can react.

Augustus and Ellie are good dogs. They don't bite, don't chew things in the house, don't dig up the yard, they don't run away and they will come when you call. I actually think they can understand paragraphs.

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