Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Stories From My Teaching Days - "I Remember Michael"

I remember Michael. It was my first year of teaching. I remember Michael telling me that if I didn't start teaching math soon, he thought he wouldn't ever be able to get into college. I remember Michael had a problem talking out of turn. He didn't raise his hand, he just blurted out answers. He was very loquacious. It took weeks of ignoring him and calling on kids who were raising their hands to get him to stop doing it. He did stop doing it.

In answer to a question about his most valuable, he wrote in his All About Me that his most valuable possession was his dad. Other kids wrote about their dogs; their bikes; their computers; and their video games. Michael wrote about his dad. He loved his dad. He admired his dad. His dad was his best friend.

About half way through the semester his dad died. Life isn't always fair. It wasn't fair to Michael. Several teachers and I attended the funeral. Michael's mother said Micheal saw me and he was very glad that I was there. Teachers love their students. Michael was like family. I will always remember that bright little boy named Michael.

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