Sunday, March 18, 2012

Australian Cattle Dog

Where is that canned dog food? To heck with this dry stuff.
Hurry up; I can't wait all day.
I'm fourteen and fiesty.
I'm dreaming about a shoot. Delicious.

This breed is extremely loyal, he will follow you from room to room; turn around; there he is. Go to the bathroom; there he is. He has freckles on his toes and nose; he doesn't like his toes on nose touched or mentioned. He has a bushy tail. He is mostly grey and black with brown on his legs. He is good at setting his own boundaries. He has been known to take his toys from the backyard to the front yard when the gate is left open, and he will wait patiently for his owner to return without running away. He has a very hard head. His favorite toy is a Frisbee which he will carry everywhere. He likes his name Augustus, it suits him, and he likes to be called Farmer. He is a farmer. He doesn't like sneezing, coughing, or laughing, or conversations from one room to another. He likes his belly rubbed. He has a high pitched bark. He sleeps a lot. He likes to carry his own leash. He often rolls over on his back. He thinks he is in charge. Please keep your bathroom door closed.

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