Saturday, June 9, 2012

Before Fishing There Was Easter and Dan's Visit

Dan visited Tucson for a conference at the U of A, so we decided to have breakfast at The Good Egg restaurant. I have more pictures of the North End Zone project just for Adam. Ooooo Weeee!!!

Dan is very easy and comfortable to be with; kind of like putting on an old broken in favorite shoe. In the last ten years Dan has visited me twice. He was the only one in my family to come to Tucson to visit me in that time. Why do I bother?
Dan must be very proud; he has three wonderful children and I like that he is good to Jill and good to her mom, Pat. :):):)

Dan and Monica met for the first time.

Full disclosure; we are both holding in our protruding bellies. Vanity, vanity. Dan gave me a friendly dig about driving a truck that gets 8 miles to the gallon.

Is this basket for me? Remember, the tomb is empty.

Some kids are going to be very lucky.

Some good girl is going to get this basket. :):):)

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