Saturday, June 9, 2012

Michigan Fishing 2012 - Domestic Adventures

We never have meals this good unless Adam is on the scene and at the task. This was a mostaccioli casserole that gave us three good meals. Unfortunately, our oven didn't work and Adam had to ask the lady next door if he could use their oven. On the third day Tommy's plate of mostaccioli slipped out of his hand and dumped on the carpet.

Tommy is updating our fishing data: type of fish caught, length, lure, lake, person, conditions. etc.

Dish bitch? No, we all took turns doing the dishes.

I better check in with the boss. I'm looking slim in this picture.

Nice jammies. 

I never, never get tired looking at pictures of Wilderness bay and I LOVE being there. It is the place; the past memories, the jokes and friendships; the food; the fish; the sounds; the changing weather; the lakes, and the boating. I have been going there for forty years. 

This week not all the cabins were rented and few serious fishermen were out on the water.

They need to cut the grass, fix the piers, and clean the cabins better!!!

Some lures are twenty-five dollars.

Adam learned how to make eggs sunny side up and he loved them. He made them nice and crispy.

This sausage-egg burrito was delicious.

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