Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Known and Unknown: Knowledge Is What Catches Fish

"As we know, there are known knowns: there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns: that is to say there are things we know we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns - the ones we know we don't know."
                                                                                                                          - Donald Rumsfeld

Known Fishing Knowns:
We know worms and minnows catch fish. We know large fish eat small fish. We know 90% of the water contains 10% of the fish, and 10% of the water contains 90% of the fish. We know fish are not always biting. We know Adam will play some golf and not fish. We forgive him.

Known Fishing Unknowns:
We know there are fishing techniques to catch fish in all conditions. We need to learn them. We know there are large fish and we aren't catching many. We need to learn how.

Unknown Fishing Unknowns:
We don't know what mishaps we will have. We hope we can cope with whatever issues there are. We hope there are no issues, accidents, or sickness. Over the years we have experienced them all. We hope this is the year of the large fish, record sizes and numbers.

2013 Strategery:
Fish frogs by lily pads; fish flippin jigs by stumps and piers; work jigs and plastic worms off the bottom; fish deep diving lures deeper; use new colors; pause during retrieves; jerk during retrieves; sweep during retrieves; fish crayfish and diving craws off rocky points; change tired line; use swivels; keep the lures in the water; don't tire yourself out throwing out big stuff.

Tom caught this walleye when the wind was pounding shore by the octagon house.

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