Thursday, May 23, 2013

All For One, And One For All: Owen, Sophia and Eliza

They are ten, six, and two going on three. They are finishing fourth grade, first grade, and preschool and all like each other and play together.
Do they ever fight, hit each other, or make each other cry? You bet ya, just like all other siblings.

They learn from each other.

A sweet moment.
Here I go Grandpa.

Look how strong I am Grandpa.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Grandpa. Its me Owen. Thank you for putting the pictures of me on the blog. I like them all. I like the one of Eliza's messy face. Comedy Gold. I hope you have a great fishing trip with Uncle Tom. I hope I get to see pictures and you catch a lot of fish. You rock. Love Owen
    ps I am getting all As except one B in Language Arts and my mom is giving me a hard time about it. My baseball team got a bye in the first round of the playoffs. We were the only team to get a bye. We also went on a field trip to Philadelphia and got to see Independence Hall. My mom was a chaperone. I answered two questions the guide asked. We also got to go to the Mint and saw the Liberty Bell. It was cool.
