Sunday, July 7, 2013

Born Under the Sign of Disney.......Providence Saint Joseph's Hospital Center and Chapel.

The Walt Disney Studios are a walking distance from Monica's parent's house. Monica was born in a hospital right across the street.

Statues of the seven dwarfs.

The main entrance to Disney.

Providence Saint Joseph's Hospital.
Above the hospital, you can see the tower on the Hollywood Hills.

This is the hospital chapel where Monica's parents attend weekly Sunday mass.

Monica and her parents were all born in California.

This walk adjacent to the chapel has the stations of the cross.

A station of the cross.

Lovely trees.

God invented diversity, not liberals.

What magnificent and diverse trees are in California.

Taking the pleasant walk around the chapel.

I love visiting California and enjoy seeing all there is to see.

The mass is over and the visiting priest, a Jesuit, greets the parishioners as they depart. He gave an exceptional homily about sin being about relationships.

Departing is such sweet sorrow.

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