Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Last Full Measure Of Devotion

July, 1, 1863. Elements of the two armies engage each other west of Gettysburg during the early morning hours. The fighting continues throughout the day with the weaker union troops fighting a delaying, retreating action. By 4 pm the defending Federal troops are defeated and retreat through the town of Gettysburg. The remnants of the Union troops rally on Cemetery and Culps hills to reorganize and fight another day. The Confederates occupy the town for a brief time.

The guide explains that Lee did not want the fighting to start until all his troops were in position. During the night the main body of  General Meade's army arrived and took up positions.

The first monuments were put up by the North. It was a long time before the South could afford to erect tributes to their fallen heroes.

Tommy looks at a monument honoring the Confederate States of America where their infantry took up positions.

Lee's plan, our guide explains, was to attack the Union's left flank with General Longstreet's soldiers, and the right flank with Ewell's troops. Longstreet was Lee's best

We all asked good questions including Owen who recalled many of the facts our guide shared with us.

Another Confederate monument of fallen soldiers.

Many of the dead soldiers lay in these fields for three days before they could be buried.

Heavy fighting spread north and south along this ridge line as more forces of both sides arrived.

When the first day of fighting ended the Confederates held the upper hand. Robert E. Lee decided to continue the offensive, putting his 70,000 men against Meade's 93,000.

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