Saturday, February 13, 2021

My First Class At Winkelman School, Glenview, Illinois


The kids in my class at the end of my first year of teaching wanted to do something for me. They wrote a poem, and they asked the principal if they could perform it for me in the auditorium. They did.  They sang it to me and presented me with this framed poem. They all signed the matting. They were great kids. 

That first year we had a Candlelight Dinner. We performed the play, The Wizard of Oz. The kids had great cousumes. Most of the kids were Jewish and our class was the only one to have a Christmas tree. The Jewish kids wanted to help decorate it. We had a menorah too.

We wrote, as a class project, an autobiography called All About Me. One queation was to name your most valuable possession. A boy wrote his dad was his most valuable possession. A month later his dad unexpectly passed away. The principal asked me if I would attend the funeral. She said it would mean a lot to my student Michael. I did attend. 

The principal told me I was one of her proudest hires ever.

A year later I was fired by her.

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