Sunday, August 21, 2011

Just Some Old Family Photos I dug Up From the Garage

A person's life: faces and places; family and friends; events; possessions; triumphs and tragedies; gains and losses; happiness and sorrow; successes and regrets; the passage of time. It is what it is. Photographs my kids and grand kids can enjoy so they can know a little something about their relatives.
My dad and my Uncle Guy. I can see the family resemblance with my father, my grandfather, Jimmy, and me.

I loved taking pictures of my kids, my favorite theme. I can almost feel spring in this picture.

The family Christmas tree. The ornaments we made in school. I still have two store bought ornaments from that tree. Jimmy's own little tree. The hideaway bed.

My mom dressed up. You can see the corner of a picture I would love to have. It was a scene of a covered wagon going west. My mom gave it to her sister Martha who wanted one of the few nice things we had.

My dad holding an ash tray. You can see the style of lighting fixtures popular in the sixties.

Johnny, me, and Mary. Johnny was staying on the farm back then. I always wanted to take him back to Chicago with us.

My mom holding me. I couldn't walk yet. That's Mary in the foreground. I love those old cars. I'm glad my dad liked to take pictures. People picnicked a lot in the old days. It was something you could do to get away from the city and it didn't cost much. It got you outdoors.

My dad on the porch. Behind him is the alley behind North Avenue. You can see part of the back of the Del Farm grocery store and the stairs and porches of the apartments. That's where my best friend Brian lived until fifth grade and he moved to California.

Sometimes the background makes the picture interesting like this advertisement for cigarettes.

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