Saturday, September 17, 2011

Spend Time With A Friend - Make Time For A Friend - Share Your Life - Share Their Life

Where do you want me to stand? What do you want me to do? This is awkward. Can we get this over with? My friend is ALWAYS taking pictures. Hurry, I've got to get to school.

The U of A is a lot like Tucson. There is always construction going on. Is it ever done?

The campus has everything you need. It even has a post office right in the food court.

It gets tough to find a seat after 9:30.

Plenty of places to walk around.

Why isn't English the first language? the only language?

This courtyard leads to memorial for WWI, WWII, the VietNam War, and the Korean Conflict.

A design intended to add beauty in all this concrete.

One of the many study lounges in the Student Center.

I thought it was cute to see this little bicycle in a university parking lot. Someone is a mom or dad.

This is an underpass under Speedway so that the students can get to the classrooms and parking lots on the other side of the highway. Speedway was once given the title of the ugliest street in America.

Who is the character from this excerpt of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales? The wife of Bath? Will this be on the test?

I find myself drawn to Old Main. I sometimes find a shady bench to wait for my friend Monica.

Walking around the balcony of Old Main.

Inside Old Main.

This bell was used in 1891 to announce when it was time to change classes.

A hallway and doorways to what were once classrooms. Now they are offices and are still used.

A signed basketball from when the U of A was national champions.

An old mahogany staircase.

The mining college goes back to 1888 which is older than Old Main. The "new" mining building was erected in 1924.

The front entrance to Old Main. Let's walk outside.

Standing in the doorway of Old Main looking out at the mall in the direction of Park Street.

Standing on the balcony looking at the mall. Old Main cuts the mall in two.

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